I don’t have time to post on LinkedIn

LinkedIn can be a valuable platform for casting your net wider, for positioning, and for generating opportunities for your business.  But it does take time – particularly at the start.  If you’re just starting out, I’d recommend spending no more than 25-30 minutes a week on the platform to get in there and get comfy and confident. By prioritising and dedicating even small amounts of time to LinkedIn, you can gradually build an authentic and manageable presence and engage with your network so you can cast your net wider effectively and appropriately.

If you’re someone who thinks…”I know posting on LinkedIn could be beneficial for my business and I’m fully convinced that I should be doing it but I never seem to be able to find the time“. I hear you.  I feel you.  I get you.  I hear this all the time.

Finding time to post on LinkedIn can be challenging, especially when you have numerous responsibilities as an SME owner. However, dedicating some time to LinkedIn can bring valuable benefits to you and your business. Here are a few strategies to help you deal with this whole ‘time’ issue:

1. Do an honesty [get real] check.  Is it really time that’s making you avoid posting on LinkedIn?  How often have we said we don’t have time to do stuff – like exercise?  But once we decide we REALLY WANT to do it, we find the time, we make the time.  The same’s true for LinkedIn, so start with a bit of an honesty chat with yourself.  Is it really time that’s holding you back, or is there something else that’s stopping you?  If it’s time, you know you can find the time.

2.  If it IS time, prioritise and schedule: If you’re really serious about posting, take a close look at your daily or weekly schedule and identify short pockets of time that you could allocate to LinkedIn. Treat LinkedIn as an important task and schedule it accordingly. Even setting aside a small window of time, such as 5 minutes a day, a few days a week, can be sufficient for getting comfy and confident on LinkedIn.

3.  Get real, and get comfy on the platform.  If you’re someone who wants viral success on LinkedIn overnight, the first thing to do is get real. The chances are, it ain’t gonna happen.  Also, make sure you’re comfy in the LinkedIn space.  Go in there for 5 minutes a day to see what/who’s showing up in your feed.  If people get on your nerves, unfollow them.  They’ll never find out and your whole LinkedIn experience will become more enjoyable 😂 

4.  Tag LinkedIn on to an already established habit.  If you decide you definitely want to do this, set aside 5 minutes a day to find your feet and clean up your feed so it has stuff in it that makes you feel joy, gratitude, peace or even just more informed, then you’re off to a good start.  Try going one step further and doing LinkedIn while you’re doing something else you enjoy or absolutely must do – like drinking a coffee or while you’re in the train, bus or metro.

And when you are ready to post, here are some time-saving tips:

a. Batch Create Content: Instead of trying to come up with content when you’re staring at a blank sheet, consider batching the content creation process. Keep a LinkedIn posting possibilities sheet of paper or note on your phone [or even better take photos that inspire you] and capture ideas as you come across them. This helps you to create content when posting time comes without your mind going blank on you.

b. Repurpose Content: Repurposing existing content can save you time and effort. Consider transforming blog posts, articles, or videos you’ve already created into LinkedIn posts. Adapt the content to fit the LinkedIn format and customise it to cater to your LinkedIn audience. This strategy allows you to get maximum value from your existing content and reach a wider audience on LinkedIn at the same time.

c. Set Realistic Goals: It’s important to set realistic expectations for your LinkedIn posting frequency. Consistency is key, but it’s better to commit to a posting schedule that you can realistically maintain rather than overcommitting and not being able to follow through – ending up disappointed and de-motivated. Start with a short weekly post, and as you become more comfortable and confident, you can gradually increase your activity.

Remember, by prioritising and dedicating even small amounts of time to LinkedIn, YOU CAN gradually build an authentic online presence, engage with your professional network and cast your net wider.


Feeling inspired?  Still struggling?  Give it some thought and see how you go.

Need help?

Would you like help to ‘Get comfy and confident on LinkedIn’ or to ‘Get your website looking and sounding like the real you’? Yes? Then book a chat directly in my diary. That way we can have a virtual coffee together to see if/how I might be able to help you. The call will cost you absolutely nothing, you’ll be under no obligation to do anything further AND I GUARANTEE you’ll get value from our call – otherwise I’ll pick up the tab for the virtual coffees 😂