How can I stop overthinking?

How can I stop overthinking?

Overcoming overthinking is a gradual process, that usually requires consistent effort and practice. Try some, or all of the things mentioned below,...

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What’s a sales funnel?

What’s a sales funnel?

Your sales funnel is the journey that people go through from not knowing much, if anything about your business to engaging and becoming a paying...

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What’s a sales process?

What’s a sales process?

A sales process is a structured framework for managing customer interactions and helps you move prospects through the buying cycle with greater...

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What’s a CRM?

What’s a CRM?

The primary goal of a CRM system is to improve customer relationships by facilitating better communication, personalisation, and understanding...

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What is a LinkedIn headline?

What is a LinkedIn headline?

Your LinkedIn headline is the brief statement or tagline that appears below your name on your LinkedIn profile. It's one of the first things people...

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What is LinkedIn premium?

What is LinkedIn premium?

LinkedIn premium is a paid service that gives you some bells and whistles you don't have in their free version.  The main advantages of LinkedIn...

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What’s cross selling?

What’s cross selling?

In a nutshell, cross-selling is selling more to each customer.  Successful cross-selling requires a good understanding of your client/customer's...

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Do I really need a website?

Do I really need a website?

The answer is more than likely 'yes you do need some sort of web presence'. BUT -as far as I'm concerned - if you can - start with a well planned,...

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Is blogging still worthwhile?

Is blogging still worthwhile?

Albeit a big-ish commitment, there's no doubt that blogs still play a hugely valuable role in your communication strategy today.  A fabulous way to...

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What’s outsourcing?

What’s outsourcing?

Outsourcing is a strategic business practice that allows business owners to leverage external expertise, streamline operations, and focus on their...

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What’s LinkedIn?

What’s LinkedIn?

In a nutshell, LinkedIn's a cool social media platform, that, when used properly gives you a great chance to position your business, engage with...

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What’s a customer journey?

What’s a customer journey?

Your customer('s) journey refers to the process or path that a customer follows when interacting with your business, from the initial awareness...

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What is upselling?

What is upselling?

In a nutshell, upselling is selling more to each customer - either more in terms of a higher priced solution or simply more.  When done correctly,...

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What’s a business model?

What’s a business model?

A business model is a framework and structure that outlines how a company creates, delivers, and captures value. It is a strategic plan that defines...

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